Every now and
then, a television programme comes along that questions your morals and challenges your accepted approach to life and
society. A programme that confronts the values and conventions that you have long
recognised as normative principles and beliefs, holds up a mirror to your
convictions and forces you to ask yourself if your personal ethos can ever be
fundamentally ‘right’.
That programme
is Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule.
Meanwhile, on
Channel 4, there’s a pile of poo called Three Wives One Husband, and it’s all
about loonies.
Probably the
funniest show in the West End at the moment, ‘The Book of Mormon’ satirises,
not only the Mormon faith but, by and large, any religion that blindly follows rulebook
that compels it’s followers to adopt a belief system that places them in denial
of any progressive human development, causing them to be set apart from society
due to a dogmatic set of principles that give them a baseless and, largely,
illusory perception of how best to live in this world whilst preparing for a
journey to another place after death. What ‘Mormon’ does, however, is allow
people of faith to laugh at the concept of a strange and oppressive dogma,
whilst maintaining, from their point of view that, ‘it’s not actually like
that, but it’s funny that some people think it is.’
What ‘Three
Wives One Husband’ does, on the other hand, is get right up close to the creed
and say, ‘this is what it’s actually like, run for your life!’
In it we meet
Enoch Foster, husband to Catrina and Lilian and father to their 16 children.
They live in a remote fundamentalist Mormon community called Rockland Ranch in
Utah set up about 35 years ago and accept polygamy as legitimate method of
populating the community with as many new members as the available number of
wombs will feasibly allow. Indeed, Enoch, who prides himself on his fertility,
stamina, athleticism and ability to remember names, has recently started
courting a 25-year old Nanny (which is probably the only occupation available
to unattached females in Utah) called Lydia Rose. He sees her as the ideal
addition to the Foster clan based upon her experience with children, her full
set of white teeth and her firm yet supple body which could, in all
probability, squeeze out another seven or eight new Fosters before she’s 45.
You can tell he likes her, because he’s already blasted a hole in the rock face
where he will build her own dwelling. I haven’t seen this much romance since
Fred and Wilma got together. The courtship involves plenty of family time with him,
the children and, more especially, the existing Mrs Foster’s with whom she spends
a lot of time smiling, holding hands and being told how wonderful she is. Actually,
it’s mainly Catrina who does Lydia Rose’s ego-massaging being, as she is, the
oldest of the harem and the one who is the most battle-weary from all the
Enoch-action. Wife number 2, Lilian, was more in need of attention as she had
recently given birth to their latest addition, a girl called either Listerine
or Amphetamine (I couldn’t hear above noise in the delivery room caused by nine
of the other children, first wife Catrina and Lydia Rose, who Enoch had invited
along on a date). Lilian smiled bravely as she spoke of the threat she
perceived Lydia Rose presented to her own personal Enoch-time. She had good
reason to feel this way as, just over the garden fence, live the Morrison’s.
Abel Morrison
seems a personable chap. As a postal worker he leaves the community every
morning to work in the real world but returns at night to Rockland where his
training as a mailman enables him to remember at which of his three residences
he last delivered. Although he exceeds Enoch’s wife collection to the tune of
one, he trails him in in terms of fruitfulness by about five. I say ‘about
five’ because it’s difficult to pin down the exact number of sprogs in the
Foster household, research has yielded answers between 13 and 17 but all agree
that Abe’s head count of Junior Morrison’s number a paltry 11. However, third
wife Marina is about to produce number 12 so they may, one day, catch up with
the Fosters. Unless, of course, Enoch knocks-up his nanny.
Marina, however,
is not exactly blooming. Heavy with child, she seems less than ecstatic to
receive Abe’s rotational visit. He’s popped in for a quick cuddle before going
out on date-night with Mrs. Morrison #1, Susie, whom he describes a ‘sassy’.
Marina feels about as sassy as a hippopotamus with haemorrhoids as she stands
with stomach distended, boobs aching and a look in her eyes that suggests that
she didn’t sign up for this when she took the well-worn track down the aisle
into Abe’s arms. She tries to voice her insecurities to Abe but she couldn’t
really have picked a worse time because their table is booked for seven-thirty
and sassy Susie is outside smiling sweetly. Poor Abe, he’s enough on his plate
with the impending Christmas rush that will inevitably put the Utah postal
service under immense pressure, without his third wife getting all hormonal
because she’s 8 months pregnant and baby-sitting his 11 other kids while he
takes his second wife out for a romantic meal for two before spending the night
in her bed. Still, broads, huh? Whadaya gotta do?
In the end, it’s
hard to know where you actually stand with all this. Although the polygamy sounds
intrinsically wrong, it’s not the only thing that this community is about. They
teach love and equality and respect for religion and each other’s views and
opinions, the trouble being that love appears to be expressed in a spectacularly
irreligious fashion and equality often means equal quantity, rather than equal quality.
The first episode ended with Enoch left in limbo by Lydia Rose who was taking
time out to decide if she could handle the challenges that come with being a
third wife. One look over the garden fence at Marina Morrison may have told her
all she needed to know.
Episode two will
be shown on Thursday.
This review also
appears on https://tellysgonewrong.blogspot.co.uk/